Our anger can be kept alive indefinitely. An incident in which we felt wronged from 20 years ago can send us spiraling into a heated…
So, changing our behavior is one way of improving our sense of well-being. I’m referring to this as a form of self-liberation because we do…
Our actions can have a huge affect on our emotional well-being. One of the benefits of focusing on changing our behavior is that it is…
As I said in my last post, it’s easy for thoughts that are just in our imagination to create strong, visceral responses. The exact type…
Our emotions are typically elicited by our thoughts. Situations, in a sense, are neither bad nor good…they just are. It is our thoughts about the…
It’s a given that when we practice something, we get better at it. Our brains are made to adapt to different stimuli. Mindfulness can be…
I recently ran across a new study that illuminates the negative effects of sleep deprivation on emotional regulation (a link to it as at the…
My previous blog was about the importance of sleep, and I think physical exercise is equally important. We’ve all heard it – the mind, body,…