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If you think you or your child has dyslexia or another learning disability (e.g., in the areas of math or written expression), the psychologists at the ApaCenter can help. Learning disabilities, which include dyslexia, affect approximately 10% of people. Learning disabilities are specific areas of weakness that negatively affect a person’s academic skill development and functioning despite the person having at least average intellectual abilities. Thus, a person can be quite bright and capable in most areas but struggle in a specific academic area due to the learning disability. Many students who struggle in school have undiagnosed learning disabilities.

At the ApaCenter, our Licensed Psychologists have extensive expertise in helping children, adolescents, and adults with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Our psychological assessments can determine whether you or your child has dyslexia or another learning disability. We can distinguish learning disabilities from the many other conditions that may be affecting academic performance such as ADD/ADHD, depression, and anxiety. An accurate diagnosis is crucial to effective intervention.

Our dyslexia assessments will have recommendations specific to you or your child’s unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses.

It is important to be aware that children and college students who have dyslexia or another learning disability are likely eligible for educational services and accommodations through special education or Section 504. Gaining access to such services and accommodations can be critical to meeting students’ academic needs and preserving self-esteem.

Our psychological assessments can also help you or your child:

  • Improve grades
  • Gain access to educational services and accommodations (e.g., extended time on tests) in grades K-12 as well as college
  • Learn more effectively

If you or your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia or another learning disability, our psychologists can provide consultation or advocacy to:

    • Help to identify appropriate school accommodations and services through regular
    • education, Section 504 or special education
    • Represent your child’s needs at school staffing, 504, or Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings
    • Provide guidance and suggestions on the appropriate educational environment to meet the needs of your child, teen, or young adult


As part of the comprehensive evaluation, the psychologists at the ApaCenter also assess for various other conditions, such as emotional functioning and ADD/ADHD, that can affect educational functioning.

Please contact the ApaCenter at

(512) 891-1500 or e-mail:

for any additional questions or to discuss and schedule an evaluation for your child.

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